Write for Content Wise Media

Are you a motivated writer and a specialist in your field? Submit your content to us!

Steps to submit your content?

  1. Read our guidelines about the content we accept (see below)
  2. Register yourself (Click at Login).
  3. Complete your profile (include your BIO and social media links)
  4. Submit your content for a review.

Types of articles we accept:

We appreciate high-quality content that has some value for readers. Especially:

  • How-to’s, DYI – Problem-solving posts and tutorials (see example: How to get your website on top results.
  • Lists – Information in the form of list that’s easy for readers to read, share and put into action (see example: 5 ways to clean your carpet at home.  
  • Checklists and To-do’s (see example: What to pack for your trip to USA)
  • Why, what, where (see example: 10 fun & worthwhile activities to do in Peru)
  • Controversial (eg. 5 Causes why responsive design can damage your business.)
  • Informative (see example: How to build your wordpress website.)
  • News, reporting news, opinions

Categories we accept:

“write for us” +business

“write for us” +health

“write for us” +home improvement

“write for us” +news

“write for us” +technology

“write for us” +entertainment

“write for us” +lifestyle

Strict Guidelines

Before you start posting content on our website, here’s a summary of our style guidelines (your article will be deleted if you don’t follow this guide):

BIO – All guest writers must include their BIO (of a person, not business). Our readers trust posts with author biographies. 


  • Subheading (H2) must be used immediately after article heading (H1)
  • Use other h3, h4, h5 and bullets to increase readability.

Lowercase – Titles and headings should be written in lowercase (excluding the first word starting the sentence, names or places). We don’t approve or appreciate content with Uppercase titles and headings.

Length – Minimum length of the blog/content/article should be 800 words (maximum 1,800 words).

Original – Content must not be plagiarized. Spinned or Re-written will not be accepted. 

Images – We only used royalty-free images. However, we don’t allow contributors to upload but you can suggest image which image to use by enclosing links and we will download them. 

Types of content we don’t accept:

Here’s a list of Categories of articles we don’t accept.

  • adult or mature content
  • job postings
  • advice columns
  • gambling content
  • property listings
  • finance-advice
  • self-promotional or press releases

External links – All external links included will be‘nofollow’ and must be used for reference, and undoubtedly identifiable to the reader what they’re being linked to. Sending people back to unrelated websites or a home page is just a crap. If you want to enclose a link to your website (homepage), Kindly do it in your BIO section.

Internal links – Kindly add at least 1-2 internal links related to your topic (links to other articles published on our website), we have lot of useful stuff.

Editing and publishing – As editors, we reserve the right to edit your content for the articlesecretstoday.com audience, or send your content back for revisions to better fit our audience. In most cases, articles are approved within 2,3 days.

Social sharing: We strongly motivate you to share your piece of information on your social channels, and engage your audience that is sharing and interacting with your content. Not only does this enable your brand to get more exposure, but it gets views to your article.

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